Aries July 2024 Monthly Overview: Mental Tango
Water running freely over the earth does not attain the depth of the lake with its constraints. In the same way, people are stronger when they are gathered together within the vessel of community. A shared history adds depth to their connection, and they’re unified through the honoring of ancestors and traditions. Such a spiritual life cannot be easily dissolved.
Dear Aries,
In July, your values are in the spotlight. You are being challenged to review your own investments when it comes to where you channel your love, your energy, your efforts. Are they complementary to you as much as it is to others? Are your contributions at expense of your own wellbeing? What are you getting in return? Are you compromising yourself?
July feels like a mental tango where you take one step forward, two steps back and a step forward again consumed by these questions. And, there is a healing aspect to it.
There are adjustments that need to be made. You seem to be feeling discontent, perhaps a little isolated, not quite realizing yet that it is you and solely you who is in charge of your own happiness. Once you reach this conclusion which seems to be happening in July, pain emerges.
The challenge this month is to acknowledge that you owe it to yourself to walk away from situations…